Jackson 4 Fun Whitewater Kayak Spray Skirt Size

When I think of a well rounded whitewater kayak, I think of the Jackson Fun series. The Jackson Fun series consists of The Jackson Fun, Jackson 2Fun, Jackson Fun 1, Jackson Fun 1.5, and the mack daddy Jackson 4Fun.

Jackson 4 Fun Whitewater Kayak Spray Skirt Size

The Jackson 4Fun has a much larger cockpit than most other whitewater kayaks so it is important that you get a skirt with the correct cockpit size. Below we will go over what size skirt works best for a Jackson 4Fun whitewater kayak.

What is the Circumference of the Cockpit on a Jackson 4 Fun Whitewater Kayak?

Most spray skirt manufacturers offer multiple different size skirts to fit kayaks with varying cockpit diameters and circumferences. Each size is able to stretch over a range of different sized kayak cockpit rims. On most manufacturers websites they offer a sizing chart to help you figure out which size to choose for your whitewater kayak. The problem is they use circumference as the measurement.

The problem with this is that most people don’t know the circumference of their cockpit right off the top of their head. If you go to any kayak manufacturers website, nowhere will you find a circumference measurement for the cockpit. This can make it difficult for paddlers to determine which size skirt they should purchase.

Anyway, below you will find which size spray skirt you should buy for your Jackson 4Fun whitewater kayak.

What Size Skirt Fits Jackson 4 Fun Whitewater Kayak? Which Spray Skirt Should I Use?

There are multiple different models of the Jackson 4Fun; luckily, they all have the same cockpit circumference and therefore the same spray skirt size. The 2007 Jackson 4 Fun, 2010 Jackson 4 Fun and 2014 Jackson 4Fun will all have the same cockpit size.

Below are our cockpit size recommendations for different kayak spray skirt manufacturers that will fit on any Jackson 4Fun whitewater kayak.

Jackson 4 Fun Whitewater Kayak Spray Skirt Size

Immersion Research: XL Cockpit

Snap Dragon: XL Cockpit

Seals: Size 1.7

If you have any questions about finding a spray skirt to fit the cockpit of a Jackson 4Fun whitewater kayak comment below and we will get back to you ASAP!